Corporate Overview

WD-40 Company is a global marketing organization dedicated to creating positive lasting memories, by developing and selling products that solve problems in workshops, factories and homes around the world. But, we’re so much more than the blue and yellow can with the little red top. We have a long history of delivering superior stockholder returns and solid earnings growth. We want our stockholders to be proud to say they own WD-40 Company stock, and we want to consistently create positive lasting memories for them.

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Why Invest


Return on
Invested Capital1

1Calculated as net operating profit after tax divided by average total assets less cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments and noninterest bearing liabilities as of 8/31/23.


Maintenance Products 10-year Sales CAGR2

2Maintenance product net sales compound annual growth rate (CAGR) targets calculated from FY13 baseline maintenance product sales, on a constant currency basis using FY23 foreign currency exchange rates, of $284M.


Sales Per Employee3

3As of 8/31/23


Global Employees4

4As of 8/31/23


Countries and Territories We Market and Sell Products In

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